Costa Rica is a beautiful country with stunning beaches, incredible rainforests, amazing wildlife as well as a vast terrain including many active volcanoes but the most important part about Costa Rica is their wonderful people. Costa Ricans or as they call themselves, “Ticos”, are friendly people and will be more than happy to show off their beautiful country to tourists.
Many Ticos speak English but even for those who don’t, they will still help you any way they can. As a visitor, we recommend trying to learn a few key phrases in order to show your gratitude for their kindness.
The following are a few Spanish phrases to know before your Costa Rica vacation
Excuse me: Con permiso
Pardon me: Perdóneme
Please: Por favor.
Mr. / Mrs.: Señor / señora
Good morning / good day: Buenos días
Good afternoon: Buenas tardes
Good evening: Buenas noches
Do you speak English?: ¿Habla usted inglés?
I don’t speak Spanish:No hablo español
What’s your name?: ¿Cómo se llama usted?
My name is: Me llamo
How are you: ¿Cómo está usted?
Very well, thank you: Muy bien, gracias
Thank you (very much): Muchas gracias
You are welcome: Con mucho gusto
I don’t understand: No entiendo
I don’t know: No sé
Where is: ¿Dónde está
Where is the bathroom?: ¿Dónde esta el baño?
What time is it?: ¿Qué hora tiene?
How much is it?: ¿Cuánto cuesta?
What’s the rate of exchange? ¿Cual es el tipo de cambio?
Where can I get a taxi?: ¿Dónde puedo encontrar un taxi?
Make sure you at least learn these essential phrases before making your trip to Costa Rica. You never know…you may turn into a good Spanish speaker if you keep at it. Knowing a few common Spanish phrases will also make your trip all the more enjoyable since you will be able to interact with the locals albeit at a basic level.
Real Surf Trips in Playa Negra and Playa Avellana, Costa Rica provides its guests with first class accommodations, one-of-a-kind service and over 20 years of local surf knowledge, guaranteed to give you the Costa Rica Surf Trip you’ve been dreaming of!