5¡Viva el surf! For those of you with a rudimentary understanding of Spanish, that means surf’s up. Now that you’re awake, let’s grab a cup of Joe and head to the beautiful coast of Costa Rica. Why? National Coffee Day is coming up! Is there a better reason to get up? Absolutely! Coffee to revive your senses, and surfing to pump adrenaline through your brain.
While coffee is celebrated in many nations, Costa Ricans celebrate the bean in all its glory on September 9th. Not to be confused with International Coffee day, September 9th is a day to celebrate and enjoy one of Costa Rica’s most popular beverages.
Even if you’re nowhere near Costa Rica at this moment, let’s take some time to bask in the beauty of the bean. Costa Rican coffee production began in the 1700s. The volcanic soil and cool climate contributed to the mild, slightly acidic taste of the Arabica bean. Today, Costa Rica ranks 13th in the world in terms of coffee production. The country exports over 90% of the annual crop, accounting for over 1.5 million bags of coffee.
Indulge your senses with the taste and smell of fresh roasted Costa Rican coffee. As you gaze from your kitchen window, ignore the reality of life in front of you. Let the aroma carry you to the beautiful coast. Travel Channel.com rates the surfing in Costa Rica as “some of the best waves on the planet. Hmm. Best surfing AND best coffee. What better place to spend a nationally recognized day on your mental vacation?
When the day comes that your mental vacation becomes a real vacation, why not plan a surf trip to Costa Rica and we’ll have the coffee brewing foryou before your first Dawn Patrol.
Real Surf Trips in Playa Negra, Costa Rica provides its guests with first class accommodations, one-of-a-kind service and over 20 years of local surf knowledge, guaranteed to give you the Costa Rica Surf Trip you’ve been dreaming of!

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