DSC_6358When you’re looking for a great vacation spot you definitely want something that’s going to be warm and fun for people of all ages.  But where can you go that’s going to be fun, warm and easy to get to? Well how about Jamaica, where you can go surfing every day and enjoy the amazing culture and food at night.

Many people wouldn’t consider Jamaica as a place to go surfing but it actually has several great benefits to offer. In fact, eight months out of the year there’s great surf with great swells from the wind. Our local guides will provide you with advice and training to help you get better at your surfing. And if you’re already experienced, we can help you advance your skills.

If you’re thinking about going on vacation to Jamaica you’ll want not just to surf but to experience the culture as well. Even the most avid surfer is going to need a break once in a while. So what do you do then? Well, you’re going to need some delicious food and lively music. With a wide array of typical island food, you can begin to immerse yourself in the spices and flavors of Jamaican culture.  Their strong cultural background is really what the entire country is based on and we know you’ll enjoy yourself and so will everyone else in your group.

Each day you’ll be able to get up and enjoy a great meal before you head out into the surf. When you’re finished for the day, kick back with a cold beer, some island music and enjoy some of the great, family-friendly festivities that are going on throughout the season.

Surfing in Jamaica is just the start of a new experience for you!  This beautiful country has so much to offer and our team at Real Surf Trips can’t wait to share it with you!

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