SurfingItsLikeLifeSea turtles are an endangered species worldwide.  They are the largest turtles alive and can weigh up to 1,200 pounds and reach lengths of 6 to 8 feet long. The species are assumed to be more than 100 million years old, nearly equivalent to the dinosaurs.

Help Protect Natures Rare Creation

Precautions are taken in Costa Rica to protect the sea turtles from extinction due to human error. Children and adults are encouraged to help protect the sea turtles when the turtles come ashore to nest. Accidental deaths of sea turtles can occur both on land and in the sea. Guests to Costa Rica are asked to show their support for endangered sea turtles by keeping the beach and surrounding areas free from debris. If you see a turtle come to shore, please do not approach the turtle or try to interact with it. If it appears to be ill, please let our team know and we will call a local wildlife agency to investigate.

Nesting for the turtles runs from July to November on the Nicoya Peninsula, the largest migration to shore happening in Ostional, just south of our location in Playa Negra. These months are the best time for visitors to take a guided tour to witness the nesting phase of female turtles and the hatching of baby sea turtles. It is a miracle of life that is worth watching. The most common sightings along the Guanacaste coastline are the green turtle and the Olive Ridley.

Show Sensitivity:  Opt For a Planned Turtle Tour

While July through November are the prime nesting season, September and October are the turtle’s busiest months for nesting. In many areas where turtles are known to nest, visitors are asked not to walk along the seashore in the soft sands after sunset without a guide for fear of accidentally disturbing the turtles nesting areas.

Planned turtle tours are offered with the assistance of tour guides and we are happy to arrange a tour for you. Due to the rarity of the endangered sea turtles, a sighting of these fascinating sea turtles is remarkable. Watching one of nature’s oldest sea creatures nest offers educational benefits and an appreciation or ancient sea turtles and the beauty of sea life. And since the best time to see turtles is at night, it won’t interrupt your fun day of surfing on our local waves. You may even see some in the water, preparing to come to shore.

Real Surf Trips in Playa Negra, Costa Rica provides its guests with first class accommodations, one-of-a-kind service and over 20 years of local surf knowledge, guaranteed to give you the Costa Rica Surf Trip you’ve been dreaming of!

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