
It’s 5 a.m.  Still dark outside.  The monkeys haven’t even started howling yet.  You’re sleeping comfortably in your air conditioned room at our luxurious Wavehouse here in Playa Negra, Costa Rica.

Real Surf Trips Dawn Patrol in Marbella

And then comes a knock at your bedroom door…Bob’s waking you up for Dawn Patrol – our daily early morning surf session at Real Surf Trips.  He’s got the coffee brewing and fresh pieces of fruit out on the kitchen counter.  He’s already been out to the beach to see what the waves are like at Negra.  If the conditions aren’t just right, we’ll take the 40 minute drive down to Marbella or maybe we’ll check out one of our secret spots nearby.  It just all depends on the conditions and which waves are calling to us at that moment. You throw on your board shorts or bikini, grab that cup of coffee, a banana and head out the door with your board.

Wherever we go, we’ll often be the first ones in the water, watching the light of the sunrise glisten on the water as we catch the first waves of the day.  After a few fun hours, we’ll get out of the water, have some breakfast, relax, stretch and then if the good conditions continue, we’ll go back out.

This is what we do every day here.  Dawn Patrol is how we get the day started.  It’s something you can take home with you after your Real Surf Trips vacation with us and add into your own daily routine.  Imagine how you’ll feel, walking onto a deserted beach, catching a few waves before you start your work day or have to get the kids off to school.  The smile on your face and the positive attitude you’ll take with you throughout the day.  Come to Costa Rica and experience a Real Surf Trips Dawn Patrol…we promise it will be worth the early morning knock on the door.

Real Surf Trips Dawn Patrol at Playa Negra

Real Surf Trips in Playa Negra, Costa Rica provides its guests with first class accommodations, one-of-a-kind service and over 20 years of local surf knowledge, guaranteed to give you the Costa Rica Surf Trip you’ve been dreaming of!

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