Costa Rica Slang: Choza and Chante (VIDEO)

  One Man’s Shack is Another Man’s Shanty You can never fully grasp the true flavor of another culture without learning the language of the people who live there and soaking up a little local slang along the way. When traveling to Costa Rica you can soak up the sun and a rich culture full …

Surf Camps in Costa Rica: Take Your Surfing to the Next level

Taking in the curves of the water and understanding their true meaning and sense of being is a surfer’s ultimate dream. It is often what they strive for, throughout their entire surfing life. A surf camp is the start of that life and the pursuit of what will always be an ever-changing challenge that requires …

Costa Rica’s Blue Zone

  Costa Rica is known for being a beautiful country, filled with amazing beaches and warm weather, but did you also know that it’s one of five Blue Zones in the world? And that the Blue Zone is actually located in the Peninsula where Real Surf Trips is located? So what is a Blue Zone? …

The Origins Of Surfing

There is no exact record of when surfing originated. However the earliest documented cases of surfing appeared in the late 1700’s when European sailors arrived in Hawaii. In his journal, navigator James Cook described surfing in amazing detail. He wrote, “Whenever, from stormy weather, or any extraordinary swell at sea, the impetuosity of the surf …

4 Things the Ocean Can Teach Us

To deepen our understanding of ourselves and the nature of the universe, we need look no further than the oceans of the earth. From its vast depths comes forth the wisdom of the ages, if we are only willing to take the time to comprehend. Here are 4 things the ocean can teach us We …

What is Christmas in Costa Rica like?

Christmas in Costa Rica is a special occasion, and the celebrations begin on Christmas Eve or ‘Noche Buena’ by attending Midnight Mass or ‘Misa de Gallo (Mass of the Rooster) in their best attires. Most Costa Ricans are Catholic and Christmas is, therefore, a vibrant season that is observed with exuberance. The traditional celebrations are …