Surf Art and Culture

For over a century, surfing has not only grown as a sport but today has become a way of life for many. Surf culture, and the intrigue of it, has drawn many people, young and old, to the ocean. In the recent past, we have witnessed more and more people picking up the board and …

How Costa Rica celebrates Columbus Day

Costa Rica celebrates “Columbus Day” on October 12th, every year. However these days, it is not about Columbus as much as it is about culture. The name has actually been changed to Cultural Day. Costa Ricans are people who are proud of their culture, and they use this day as a way to celebrate and …

The benefits of World Tourism Day in Costa Rica

World Tourism Day is September 27th.  This is a day for humanity to celebrate the various advantages of tourism in terms of economic development and the spirit of global cooperation. For Costa Rica, with its natural beauty and friendly people, World Tourism Day can bring the country to a new state of prosperity. Tourism in …

Exclusive beachfront surf trip in Costa Rica

Whether you’re an amateur surfer, moderate or expert, we have the Costa Rica surf trip for you here in Playa Negra.  What really matters is the joy and fun times you will experience as you surf in our incredible local environment, while staying in our relaxed, comfortable and luxurious oceanfront home in Costa Rica. Our …

Costa Rica Coffee: The beverage for a 5am dawn patrol

Coffee is Costa Rica’s most popular beverages.  It’s one of our favorites for 5am dawn patrol here at our luxurious Wavehouse, home to Real Surf Trips in Playa Negra, Costa Rica. So important is coffee in this country that festivals have been created to celebrate the drink. On the 12th of September, roasters and farmers …

Beginner surf tips to master the duck dive

A common thought as the beginner surfer sits on the beach and contemplates on each wave as it comes crashing onto the shore: If only I could master the duck dive, I could look as good as the one who rode through it just now. The Duck Dive is just one of the many things …