An Adventure Tour at Rincon de la Vieja Volcano

Rincon de la Vieja

Hiking around Rincón de la Vieja volcano will exceed your expectations of traveling in Costa Rica and experiencing the natural “on-shore” environment.

Location of Rincón de la Vieja

Located in the province of Guanacaste, about 1.5 hours north of our location in Playa Negra, Rincón de la Vieja is an active volcano that smart travelers regularly visit.  Rincón de la Vieja is the largest volcano in the northwest region of Costa Rica soaring roughly 7,000 feet high and a width of approximately 10 miles of its caldera. It is a site of the most historical eruptions with the adjacent Santa Maria volcano standing tall though dormant, and the most active Von Seebach crater fuming with steam and gasses.  , Rincón de la Vieja National park was formed with the aim of protecting the 32 rivers steaming down the slopes.

Ease of access

With two ranger stations at the National Park – Santa Maria and Las Pailas, you will find it very convenient arranging a hike at Rincón de la Vieja Park and deciding how you want to explore this grand landscape. From either station, trails circuit all over the park, giving travelers access to the National Park’s volcanic attractions, including the bubbling mud pots, sulfurous fumaroles, and volcanic craters. You may want to cool off at one of the many rushing waterfalls after a Geothermal heated hike along the hot springs.

Flora & Fauna

At Rincon de la Vieja National Park, you will have an opportunity to see over 300 species of birds; including the colorful (and fun to say) mot mots. Various species of plants are found in the park and no doubt you will marvel at the works of nature, the tall trees looming overhead, creating a canopy of shade throughout much of the Park. The most unusual kind is the strangler fig towering all over the park plus the beauty of the purple orchid. You may see howler monkeys, anteaters and other wildlife as you traverse the Park’s environment.

Rincon de la Vieja is a fun adventure to add on to your Costa Rica surf trip.  It is a great place to take a day trip on your vacation, seeing some of the awesome sights of our local landscape.

Real Surf Trips in Playa Negra, Costa Rica provides its guests with first class accommodations, one-of-a-kind service and over 20 years of local surf knowledge, guaranteed to give you the Costa Rica Surf Trip you’ve been dreaming of!

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