No One Cares More About Clean Waves Than A Surfer

feb 13

Nothing’s more disappointing than getting amped for a surf session, but watching plastic bottles and trash floating by.  Every serious surfer knows that respect for the ocean is primal.  No one wants to go out to pristine waves that are polluted with trash that simply does not belong there.  Trash on the waves can ruin the whole day.

Surfers, especially here in Costa Rica, are proactive about this chronic problem.  And active surfers all over the world are taking steps to clean up after themselves and leave the ocean and beach in better shape than when they found it.  Using recyclables, picking up trash and leaving the area cleaner than when we get there is the best way to ensure it will still be kicking (and clean) when we return.

How can you help?                         

Not trashing the beach is the fastest way to help.  Putting trash in its place and keeping plastics off the beach can make an immediate impact on the ocean.  Trash belongs in a can, not in the surf and keeping that garbage off the sand makes the froth even that much more inviting.  If you head out to the beach for a day on the sand, be sure to take a cooler or backpack with you that you can then return to the house with all the leftover trash, making sure it gets put in the right place and not blown away by our tropical winds!

Joining a beach clean-up is a good start too.  Surfers in Costa Rica regularly head out to the beach and get serious about keeping it clean.  As a group, surfers who care about the ocean walk the beach, taking all the bottles, cans, plastics and other debris off the sand and putting it where it should be.  This keeps our ocean beautiful, the beach pristine and the waves clean.  No one cares more about clean waves than a surfer.

Real Surf Trips offers guests a once-in-a-lifetime vacation to learn surfing from our experts on one of the best surfing beaches in Costa Rica.  Come enjoy our fantastic staff, beaches, and luxury accommodations!

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