Big wave surfing has become one of the most extreme sports around the world and it is getting more popular with each event every year. There are numerous big wave surf spots such as Jaws, Teahupoo and Dungeons  but one of the most popular and famous spots for the sport is Mavericks, located in Northern California, just a few miles north of Half Moon Bay.

The story of this wave starts in 1967 when three surfers decided to ride the big waves that rise up annually in conjunction with Northern California winter storms and can reach anywhere from 25 feet to 80 feet.  These giant waves are caused by an unusual underwater rock formation.  It’s most often surfed as a right because the left is often unreliable.

For many years, the only surfer at Maverick’s was Jeff Clark however over time, he convinced people to try it with him and it became a major spot for big wave surfers around the world.  It is one of the most dangerous waves on the planet and is responsible for several deaths and near death events.  The film, Chasing Mavericks, about Jay Moriarty learning to surf Mavericks was released in 2012.

The first surfing contest at Mavericks was held in 1999 and continues to be by invitation only.  The window for the tournament is during winter, from November – March, which are the peak months for the big waves to occur.  Short notice is given to the 24 invitees and the contest day is determined by a number of factors including anticipated surf height and wind conditions.  The last contest was held on January 24, 2014 and was sponsored by Body Glove and GoPro.Costa Rica surf trip, Playa Negra

While we don’t expect to be seeing any 50 foot waves here in Costa Rica, we are looking forward to our peak season that runs from March – September.  The waves and conditions here in Costa Rica and specifically in Playa Negra are consistent and fun year round.  We look forward to hosting you at our Wave House!

Real Surf Trips in Playa Negra, Costa Rica provides its guests with first class accommodations, one-of-a-kind service and over 20 years of local surf knowledge, guaranteed to give you the Costa Rica Surf Trip you’ve been dreaming of!

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