Caring for Your Surf Equipment By providing your surfboard and the rest of your surf equipment with the care that they need, you can count on better performance out of them when you need it the most. Fortunately, caring for your surf equipment is simpler and more straightforward than most people expect. Here are some …


Tips for Staying Safe While Surfing in Costa Rica There aren’t a whole lot of places in the world that can provide you with 700 miles of coastline and volcanoes that tower 12,530 feet. Costa Rica is one of the premier tourist destinations and for good reason. There are so many things to see and …

Surf Slang from Around the World

Do you want to walk or talk like a surfer? Chill out with the locals in whichever locale you’ve found yourself? In recent years, surfing has become popular from Hawaii to California, Costa Rica to South Africa…and beyond. Surfers vernacular has also grown into an expansive language. Some words like “dude” have even been included …

Surf Accessories: What you need to know as a beginner

So, you want to learn to surf. Welcome to a great world and an even more fun sport. The wind rushing past you and the powerful feeling will never leave your soul once you catch it. So, beware that you have been warned. It is a bite that will never heal. Surfing has a way …

A Typical Beginner’s Surf Trip in Costa Rica

Costa Rica and even more specifically, the Nicoya Peninsula offers you the unique opportunity to learn to surf in our tropical waters. If you are planning a beginners surf trip, here are a few things to expect during your learning experience with one of our excellent local instructors. Your first lesson will likely start out …