How does a vacation in Costa Rica benefit you?

Traveling is instrumental in building and maintaining relationships among people. However, apart from social perspectives, traveling can help you become a better person. How can traveling make you a better person? From the new social interactions, traveling allows you to see things from a broader perspective. From the narrow perspective that you may hold, new …

Spending Mother’s Day in Costa Rica

Mother’s Day may have passed in the United States a few months ago, but it’s just about to get started in Costa Rica.  And Mother’s Day in Costa Rica is a very important day…so important that it’s a national holiday!  This is partially because of the country’s large population of practicing Catholics, where the mother …

Guanacaste Day Celebrations in Costa Rica

Every year on July 25th, Costa Rica celebrates the joining together and annexation of the Guanacaste province in 1824. Perhaps the largest and one of the most important national celebrations, this event lasts for the whole week leading up to July 25th and often continues for days after. When Guanacaste was annexed from Nicaragua, Costa …

Top 5 reasons to hire a photo/videographer on your Costa Rica surf trip

Harnessing the adrenaline of the almighty wave is one lesson you will hold dearly to while attending a surf trip in Costa Rica. These lessons will prove valuable in the water as you ride wave after wave and fall into the surf a time or two. Each of these scenarios could prove useful in the …

A must do for your Costa Rica surf trip: the Farmers Market

Many people enjoy heading to their local weekend farmer’s market and picking up some fresh fruits and vegetables, but visiting a farmer’s market in Costa Rica can be a whole different experience for many travelers. You’ll find many farmers markets throughout Guanacaste with vendors and merchants eager to sell and teach about their fares. From …

A look inside the worldwide surf community

The surfing community has always been fairly close, whether among casual circles or in the competitive leagues. There are not a lot of television contracts or teams of lawyers, agents, or public relations crews, and, in comparison to other sports, there is generally not much press or media coverage surrounding many surfing events, and none …