Beginner surf tips to master the duck dive

A common thought as the beginner surfer sits on the beach and contemplates on each wave as it comes crashing onto the shore: If only I could master the duck dive, I could look as good as the one who rode through it just now. The Duck Dive is just one of the many things …

Why surfing is a great youth sport

Surfing is a great activity for any age. If you’re a surfer, chances are your kids will want to give it a try, too. It’s never too early to teach them the benefits of what surfing can do for one’s body, mind and spirit. Surfers enjoy the physical benefits of paddling and surfing, being in …

Beginner’s Surf Trip in Costa Rica: When you return home

Costa Rica is a year round popular surfing destination. Surfing is more than a sport here: it is often viewed as a way of life. The Country is gifted with numerous beaches and surf-able shores that are ideal for both novices and experienced surfers. If you vacation with us during your beginners surf trip in …

Prepping for Your Costa Rican Surf Adventure

Interested in learning how to surf and want to combine it with a vacation in Costa Rica? Perhaps you enjoy hiking, diving into deep waters, relaxing on the beach, participating in yoga sessions, zip lining, or even exploring the local towns nearby, trying out the typical food in the region. All of this is possible …

The Origin of Surfing

Surfing is a such fascinating sport, it has its own culture and vocabulary, and early roots in Polynesian culture. It was first mentioned by Joseph Banks in the 1700’s, during Captains Cooks third voyage to the Pacific. Riding the waves started with body surfing; using a piece of wood was something that evolved over time. …