Surf Accessories: What you need to know as a beginner

So, you want to learn to surf. Welcome to a great world and an even more fun sport. The wind rushing past you and the powerful feeling will never leave your soul once you catch it. So, beware that you have been warned. It is a bite that will never heal. Surfing has a way …

The Origin of Surfing

Surfing is a such fascinating sport, it has its own culture and vocabulary, and early roots in Polynesian culture. It was first mentioned by Joseph Banks in the 1700’s, during Captains Cooks third voyage to the Pacific. Riding the waves started with body surfing; using a piece of wood was something that evolved over time. …

Quiksilver + Real Surf Trips

We had a recent stay from the Quiksilver Latin America Grom team for some surf coaching and photos on our “training grounds”. Check out some of the killer surf we scored with Tomas King, Isaac Vega, Noe Mar and Alberto Munoz! (Photo credit: Tony Roberts) Ready to take it to the next level with a Real Surf …